Nikolas Kroupis
never stop exploring

Nikolas My name is Nikolas Kroupis. I was born on 3-12-1976 in the village named Elati in region of Trikala (Greece) and I grew up in Elati. In 1994, I finished high school in Pyli Trikala and became a student at Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In October 2000 I was awarded the Electrical and  Computer Engineering diploma. Since then (October 2000) I continue to take the MSc Courses to design low power Embedded Systems for Multimedia applications until June 2002. I continued my PhD research is hardware/software co-design for embedded systems at the VLSI Laboratory of DUTH. From January to June of 2007 I visited IMEC research center in Leuven, Belgium with Marie Curie scholarship. In February of 2008 I defensed my PhD thesis in Democritus University of Thrace, and I continue my research on the embedded system modelling. Since October of 2008 until 2010, I was working as assistant professor in Technological Education Institute of Larisa in Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications. In March of 2010 I had a permanent job as system administrator and software developer in Municipality of Mouzaki. I am married with Thalia Tsardidou since 6 February 2010 and we live together in Elati Trikalon managing my family's Hotel Kroupi. On April 17th of 2011 our son Stefanos born a lively and active baby while my second son Stergios born on July 11th of 2013. On November 21st of 2020 our third son Dimitris was born and our family grew.

Research & Publications

My research topic is the optimized design of Embedded Systems for multimedia applications. A prime application is video because it requires very high computation rates and large amounts of memory; video systems are often cost-sensitive as well. Because video systems are built as systems-on-chips, they make a good arena for investigating both architectures and methodologies for embedded systems. The aim of my research is Motion Estimation algorithms which are the kernel of every video compression algorithm/protocol. The hardware implementation of new Color Quantization technique based on Kohonen Self Organized Neural Network Classifier was my Master Thesis research project. We chose an ARM based embedded system for the implementation and using code transformation and methodologies the result was an efficient specific embedded system.


[C1] M. Dasygenis, N. Kroupis, A. Argyriou, K. Tatas, D. Soudris, and N. Zervas, "A memory management approach for efficient implementation of multimedia kernels on programmable architectures", IEEE Computer Society Annual Workshop on VLSI (WVLSI), Orlando Florida, USA, April 19-20, 2001, pp. 171-176.

[C2] M. Dasygenis, N. Kroupis, A. Argyriou, K. Tatas, D. Soudris, N. D. Zervas and A. Thanailakis, "Data and instruction memory exploration of embedded systems for multimedia applications", IEEE 2001 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'2001), Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2001, Vol. II, pp 1149 - 1152.

[C3] K. Tatas, M. Dasigenis, A. Argyriou, N. Kroupis, D. Soudris, and A. Thanailakis, "Address Bus Power Exploration in Programmable Processors for Realization of Multimedia Applications ", IEEE International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS'2001), Yverdon-Les-Bains, Switzerland, September 2001, pp. 10.2.1 - 10.2.10.

[C4] N. Kroupis, M. Dasigenis, A. Argyriou, K. Tatas, D. Soudris, A. Thanailakis and N. Zervas, "Power, Performance and Area exploration of Block Matching Algorithms Mapped on Programmable Processors", IEEE 2001 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct 2001, pp. 728-731.

[C5] A. Atsalakis, N. Kroupis, D. Soudris, and N. Papamarkos, "A Window-Based Color Quantization Technique and its Architecture Implementation", IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Santorini, Greece, July 2002, pp. 285-288.

[C6] A. Atsalakis, N. Kroupis, D. Soudris, and N. Papamarkos, A Window-Based Color Quantization Technique and its Embedded Implementation", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2002), Rochester, New York, USA, September 2002, pp II - 365-368.

[C7] N. Kroupis, A. Atsalakis, D. Soudris, and N. Papamarkos, "A color quantization technique based on image decomposition and its hardware implementation", IASTED International Conference "Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications" (SPPRA 2002), June 25-28, 2002, Crete, Greece, pp. 348-353.

[C8] Nikolaos Kroupis, Minas Dasygenis, Kleoniki Markou, Dimitrios Soudris and Antonios Thanailakis, "A Modified Spiral Search Motion Estimation Algorithm and its Embedded System Implementation", ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems", (ISCAS 2005), May 23-26, 2005, Kobe, Japan, pp. 3347-3350.

[C9] Nikolaos Kroupis , Nikolaos Zervas, Minas Dasygenis, Konstantinos Tatas, Dimitrios Soudris, and Antonios Thanailakis, "High-Level Performance and Power Exploration of DSP Applications Realized on Programmable Processors", International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2005, Athens, Greece, 18-21 December 2005.

[C10] N. Kroupis , S. Mamagkakis, and D. Soudris, "An Estimation Methodology for Designing Instruction Cache Memory of Embedded Systems," in ESTIMedia 2006, Fourth IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real Time Multimedia, October 26-27, 2006, Seoul, Korea

[C11] N. Kroupis and D. Soudris, "Design Methodology and Software tool for Estimation of Multi-level Instruction Cache Memory Miss Rate", IEEE International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2007 ) , Goteborg, Sweden, September 3-5, 2007

[C12] N. Kroupis and D. Soudris, "Fast Instruction Memory Hierarchy Power Exploration for Embedded Systems", Conference on Very Large Scale Integration System-on-Chip 2008 (VLSI-SOC 2008), Rhodes Island, Greece, 13-15 Oct. 2008, pp.

[C13] Nikolaos Kroupis, Praveen Raghavan, Murali Jayapala, Francky Catthoor, Dimitrios Soudris, "Compilation Technique for Loop Overhead Minimization", 12th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Architecture, Methods and Tools, DSD 2009. Patra, Greece, 27-29 Aug. 2009, pp. 419-426.


[J1] M. Dasygenis, N. Kroupis, K. Tatas, A. Argyriou, D. Soudris and A. Thanailakis, "Power and Performance Exploration of Embedded Systems Executing Multimedia Kernels", IEE Proc.-Comput. Digit. Tech., Issues "Low-power system-on-chip", Vol 149, No 4, July 2002, pp.164-172

[J2] K. Tatas, M. Dasygenis, N. Kroupis, A. Argyriou, D. Soudris, and A. Thanailakis, "Data memory power optimization and performance exploration of embedded systems for implementing motion estimation algorithms", Special Issue on Software Engineering of Real-time Imaging Systems, Elsevier, Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2003, Pages 371-386

[J3] A. Atsalakis, N. Papamarkos, N. Kroupis, D. Soudris, "A Color Quantization Technique Based On Image Decomposition And Its Hardware Implementation" IEE Proceedings Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Volume 151, Issue 06, Dec 2004, Pages 511-524.

[J4] N . Kroupis , N . Zervas, M . Dasygenis, K . Tatas, A . Argyriou, D . Soudris, and A . Thanailakis , "Behavioral-Level Performance and Power Exploration of Data-Intensive Applications Mapped on Programmable Processors", Springer Science, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol. 44, No 1-2, August 2006, pp 153-171.

[J5] N. Kroupis , M. Dasygenis, D. Soudris, and A. Thanailakis "A Modified Spiral Search Algorithm and its Embedded System Architecture Design", Enformatika, International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), Vol. 2, Number 4, 2005, Pages 199-205.

[J6] N. Kroupis and D. Soudris, "High-Level Estimation Methodology for Designing the Instruction Cache Memory of Programmable Embedded Platforms", The Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET Computer and Digital Techniques, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 205-221

[J7] N. Kroupis, and D. Soudris, "FILESPPA: Fast Instruction Level Embedded System Power and Performance Analyzer", Elsevier, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 35, Issue 3, May 2011, Pages 329-342.



In the time at University I dealt with the analog circuit design of an audio mixer and audio amplifiers. My final project was an educational multimedia program for high school and is made with Macromedia Authorware 4. Some of my interests was the Linux operating system where I helped in the translation of the KDE Desktop into the Greek version. I also create static and dynamic html web pages with MySQL & Access databases and the PHP programming language.


Erasmus - Guimaraes, Portugal

Since March until July in 2000 I was in Guimaraes in northern Portugal with the european ERASMUS/SOCRATES program at the University of Minho, in the department of Information Systems. It was one of the biggest experiences in my life. Guimarγes is a really great city, where Portugal was born, exactly the Castle, the Palace the Penha hill are the most interesting places you can visit. But the most beautiful place is Largo da Oliveira in the center of the old part of the town and it is for me the best place where someone can drink beer. During the period in Portugal I made a long trip to Spain where I met my Spanish friend Axel in Badajoz city. With Axel we travelled to Merida and from there to Algeciras, and by boat we crossed Gibraltar. We travelled south to Marrakash to climb Atlas (Toubkal) mountain. After a short view of Morocco we turned back to Spain and I visited Don Benito, Bilbao and Pais Basco, Barcelona and Vigo. Here is my photo album with all my travel as an Erasmus student.


Mountain Expeditions and trips

Morocco - Spain 2000
Mountain Atlas - Toubkal 4165m
14/4/2000 - 20/4/2000
(Attempt to Toubkal Peak)
IRAN 2001
Mountain Damavand 5671m
19/7/2001 - 4/8/2001
Pakistan 2002
Buni Zom 6551m
2/7/2002 - 30/7/2002
Attempt to Gordoghan Zom 6240m
Bulgaria 2002
Rila Mountains 2925m
3/10/2002 - 6/10/2002
Peak Musala 2925m
Pakistan 2004
Buni Zom 6551m
25/5/2004 - 22/6/2004
Ascent to Gordoghan Zom III 6158m
Bulgaria 2004
Mountains Pirin & Vitosha
2/10/2004 - 5/10/2004
Peaks Vihren 2914m & Cherni Vrah 2290m
Russia 2005
Mountain Caucasus
22/7/2005 - 5/8/2005
Peaks Kurmychi 4045m, Elbrus 5642m
and Ushba plateau
Pakistan 2006
Mountain Tirich Mir, Hindukush
25/7/2006 - 30/8/2006
Attempt to Dir Gol Zom 6778m and Ghul Lasht Zom 6665m
Switzerland 2007
Swiss Alps, Valais, Saas Fee
Climbing to Allalinhorn 4027m and Alphubel 4206m
27/4/2007 - 1/5/2007
Austria 2007
Tour Ski in Grossglockner
Peaks Johannisberg 3453 m and Mitterer Barenkopf 3357 m
16/5/2007 - 21/5/2007
Switzerland and Italy 2007
Swiss Alps, Valais, Saas Fee and Dolomites, Italy
Climbing to Nadelhorn 4327m Alps and Belvedere 2648m Dolomites
26/6/2007 - 1/7/2007
Pakistan 2007
Buni Zom 6551m
Attempt to Buni Zom Main (6370m), ascent to Buni Zom South 6220m
First ascent of the unclimbed 6MT 6115m, Buli Zom North Face and tragody
12/7/2007 - 7/8/2007
Germany 2008
Zugspitze 2962m
Climbing to Zugspitze 2962m in Bavarian Alps
26/5/2008 - 2/7/2008
France 2008
Mont Blanc Group, France
Climbing to Mont Blanc du Tacul 4248m, Mont Maudit 4468m and
hiking to Planplaz 2000m and Lachat 2115m in Mont Blanc
2/8/2008 - 11/8/2008
Switzerland - France 2009
Aiguille Verte, France
Climbing to Aiguille Verte 4122m, Coutrier couloir, D+, 55o, 1000m
20/1/2009 - 31/1/2009
Turkey 2009
Erciyes 3917m
Road trip to Turkey - Climbing to Erciyes 3917m,
East Ridge (Normal Route)
12/4/2009 - 24/4/2009
Pakistan 2009
Raghshur (or Lang Shar) 6089m
Attempt to unclimbed peak Raghshur
29/7/2009 - 22/8/2009
Egypt 2010
Gebel Musa 2284m
Hiking to Gebel Musa
19/2/2010 - 28/2/2010
India 2010
Stok Kangri 6153m
Stok Kangri 6153m attempt
12/9/2010 - 25/9/2010
India 2011
Chandra Bhaga Mountain Range (CB Group)
Tara Pahar 6227m and Pagoda EE attempts, ascent to Daunt 5565m
2/7/2011 - 25/7/2011
Switzerland 2012
Bishorn 4153m
A road trip to Europe
14/7/2012 - 25/7/2012
India 2012
Raru Valley, Zanskar, Kashmir
First ascents of Katkar Kangri 6148m (R35), Mutik Skal 6243m (R26),
Lama...Soo 5947m and second ascent (new route) of Skilma Kangri 6020m
11/8/2012 - 9/9/2012
Azerbaijan 2013
Qizil Qaya 3726m
Ascent to Qizil Qaya (East Caucasus)
29/8/2013 - 7/9/2013
Turkey 2014
Hasan Dag and Aladaglar
Ascents to Hasan Dag 3268m and to mountains of Taurus (Aladaglar),
Demirkazik 3756m, Kucuk Demirkazik 3425m and Bozkaya II 3392m
23/8/2014 - 5/9/2014
Switzerland 2015
Ascents to Weisshorn 4506m, Weissmies 4016m and Langgihorn 4010m
A road trip to Switzerland
19/7/2015 - 2/8/2015
India 2016
Stok, Nubra valley, Tsomoriri Lake, Ladakh
Ascents to Stok Kangri 6123m, Mentok I 6282m, II 6248m, III 6153m and
attempt of the unclimbed peak Nya Kangri 6480m
15/8/2016 - 8/9/2016
Georgia 2017
Ascent to peak Tetnuldi 4858m
and attempt of peaks Shkhara & Kazbek
19/8/2017 - 2/9/2017
Italy 2018
Italian Alps and Dolomites
Attempt of Piz Bernina 4049m and ascents to Piz Boe 3152m
and Marmolada 3342m
17/8/2018 - 27/8/2018
Italy 2019
Gran Paradiso, Monte Rosa and Matterhorn
Ascents to Gran Paradiso 4061m, Signalkuppe 4554m, Pyramid Vincent 4215m,
Matterhorn 4478m and Breithorn 4165m
13/7/2019 - 26/7/2019
Switzerland - Italy 2021
Piz Bernina and Dolomites
Ascents of the peaks Piz Bernina 4049m, Monte Vago 3059m and Mesolina 2642m
19/7/2021 - 26/7/2021
India 2022
Indian Himalayan in Ladakh, Nubra valley, Hemis National Park
Ascents to summits Nanga Sago 5806m, Kang Yatse II 6248m and
attempt of the unclimbed peak Nya Kangri 6480m
27/6/2022 - 22/7/2022
India 2023
Indian Himalayan in Ladakh, Nubra valley
Attempt to unclimbed peak Nya Kangri 6480m, K25 or Pastan Kangri 6520m
exploration and ascent to UT Ladakh Kangri 6065m
12/7/2023 - 3/8/2023

Publication in Climbing Magazines & Journals

IRAN - Damavand, Ανάβαση από την βόρεια πλευρά του ηφαιστείου, Κείμενο-Φωτογραφίες: Νικόλας Κρούπης, Περιοδικό ΚΟΡΦΕΣ, Τεύχος 154, Απρίλιος-Μάιος 2002, Σελίδες 28-34

Buni Zom 6.551μ, Η κρυμμένη κορυφή, Κείμενο:Νικόλας Κρούπης - Φωτογραφίες:Γιώργος Ζαρδαλίδης, Περιοδικό ΚΟΡΦΕΣ, Τεύχος 159, Ιανουάριος-Φεβρουάριος 2003, Σελίδες 70-79

"Gordoghan Zom attempt", Nikolas Kroupis and George Zardalidis, The American Alpine Journal 2003, The World's Most Significant Climbs Vol.45, Issue 77, 2003, pp 363-364

High Mountain Magazine, "Mountain Info", Vol.245, April 2003, page 59

Βαπτίζοντας μια κορυφή Gordoghan Zom III 6158μ, Κείμενο-Φωτογραφίες: Νίκος Κρούπης, Περιοδικό ΑΝΕΒΑΙΝΟΝΤΑΣ στα βουνά του κόσμου, Τεύχος 32, Ιούλιος-Αύγουστος-Σεπτέμβριος 2005, Σελίδες 30-34

Climb Magazine, "Mountain Info", Gordoghan Zom III, Issue 8, October 2005, pages 77-78

"Gordoghan Zom III", George Zardalidis and Nikolas Kroupis, The American Alpine Journal 2005, The World's Most Significant Climbs Vol.47, Issue 79, 2005, pp 343-344

"Greek Success and Tragedy in the Buni Zom", Lindsay Griffin, Source: Nikolas Kroupis, Newswire, Alpinist

"Buni Zom Main, attempt; Buni Zom South; 6MT, first ascent; 6MT, attempt; Buli Zom, new route on north face and death", The American Alpine Journal 2008, The World's Most Significant Climbs, American Alpine Club, Vol. 50, Issue 82, 2008, pp 319-321.

Raghshur (6,089m), attempt, by Dr. Nikolaos Kroupis, The American Alpine Journal - Report, 2009

"Raghshur Attempt Hits New High Point", Alpinist Magazine - Newswire, December 8, 2009

India, Lahaul, Chandra Bhaga Group: Daund (5,565m); Hora East (ca 5,250m); Pagoda East East (ca 5,750m), East Ridge; Tara Pahar (6,227m), East Ridge Attempt, by Nikolaos Kroupis, American Alpine Journal 2012, Vol. 54, Issue. 86

Raru Valley, Katkar Kangri (R35, 6,148m), Muktik Skal (R26, 6,243m GPS), Lama Soo (5,947m, altimeter); Skilma Kangri (5,979m), east ridge India, Zanskar , by Nikolaos Kroupis, American Alpine Journal 2013, Vol. 55, Issue. 87

Nya Kangri, South-southwest Ridge, Attempt India, East Karakoram , by Nikolaos Kroupis, American Alpine Journal 2017, Vol. 59, Issue. 91

Nya Kangri, South-Southwest Ridge from the North, Attempt India, Ladakh, by Nikolaos Kroupis, American Alpine Journal 2023, Vol. 65, Issue. 97



My favourite hobbies are mountaineering, climbing, travelling, adventure, ski, cycling, astronomy and I am member of Mounteneering & Sking Club of Komotini (EOS Komotinis).

Summitpost is a very helpful mountain database and I contribute adding mountains, routes and photos: Buni Zom Koziakas, Vitosha, Koula - East Rodopi

In the end of '90s I flew together with Argyris's Gyro R.A.F.2000, which it's one of the best hobbies that I 've ever seen.

As a student I met two very famous persons and friends that are international knowed. My favoutite music track istrumental is from Rene Aubry the "Apres La Pluie II".



Nikolas Kroupis
42 032 Elati
Trikala, Greece
Tel. +30 2434071312
Mob. +30 6934284976

Last update
